Eric & Mykal Jordan

Valliant, Oklahoma

580-306-3177 (Eric)

580-212-2353 (Mykal)


Eric and Mykal Jordan have been married 10 years. They both grew up in the rolling hills of southeast Oklahoma, and live in Valliant with their three boys (Jake, Luke and Kolt). Both of their ancestors battled through tough years in Oklahoma trying to keep their livelihood going in the fields. As the mules turned to tractors, their grandfathers switched from farming to ranching. Eric was active in FFA throughout high school. He is excited to return to the agriculture business full time while helping farmers/ranchers protect themselves in business.

Mykal grew up on the family ranch. Her early years were spent working the ranch or in the family feed store. She attended Oklahoma State University and graduated with a Health degree. Mykal went on to get a Masters in Occupational Therapy. She returned home to southeast Oklahoma and has a therapy company to help serve people of all ages in the community. Through working with the community, Mykal noticed a trend of a lack of awareness of the resources available. Mykal and Eric have learned teamwork make business and the ranch run smoothly. Together, they hope to help their neighbors protect themselves from the inevitable risks associated with agriculture.